Thursday, October 29, 2015

Anniversary Month News

First Annual Holiday Greens Fundraiser. Available now through November 6 th we will have order forms available at the lodge. Our fundraiser is all natural fresh evergreen holiday decor prices begin at $27.95, with the Jan Lar Company. All items will be available for pickup or delivery by December 1.
This is a great way to have fresh evergreens for Christmas decorating at home and the lodge, and help your Venturing Crew 1389 lead the adventure. (Late orders can placed through November 10th.)

October was a busy month, Venture Crew 1389 is a year old. Thank you for your dedication and support. The current cabinet have been in office 6 months and we have taken a moment to reflect on what was and what will be. Although our membership is tiny we are mighty. We have completed over 150 hours of service, served dinner to approx 200 members, made flag stands, taught flag etiquette, taught adults how to solve problems, camping, moved several cubic feet of yard debri for a group home, attended advanced leadership training, won awards for teamwork and amazing night game skills.

The next 6 months contain recruiting activities, time management training, project management training and practice, bowling, shooting sports, awards earned, and another Eagle Scout rank achieved, camping and trips to the west coast, fun activities with Pack 171 . Completion of our first fundraiser and our first awards banquet.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

News of Fall Activities

Venturing Crew 1389 participated in the Inaugural Covert Ops Night Games presented by the Ore Ida Council Venturing Officers Association. The games with creative names and tasks like Laser Field, Mind Field, Mission Impossible, Urban Assault and Hippity Hop Jousting allowed the youth an opportunity to use leadership skills like communication, teamwork and problem solving in the middle of the night. They were assembled into event crews so they were working with different youth from around the valley. Some they had known for 30 minutes before embarking on their mission to capture all the points possible. All of this was done at the Ontario Paintball Challenge at Montgomery Farms. The members of 1389 were a part of the crews that in the top three. It was a huge success. They are talking about ways to make it more fun next year.

We are excited to have our Scouting program expanding. Welcome Cub Scout Pack 171. Having Cub Scouts to teach, play games and help will be a great adventure.   

We have been meeting away from the Lodge while completing a service project of flag stands for a church youth group. The pastor had a tough time deciding between the designs presented, he went with the “they look like books” concept. The youth have done all the work from design to building, painting, hammering, drilling, sanding. They will be presenting the stands September 24th along with American Flag history and etiquette.

With the change is weather we start planning for next summer's adventures. Some of the items on the list are camping in Yellowstone, training at Philmont, math in costa rica, preparation events for National Jamboree 2017, and events that benefit our Veterans, community and each other. Most of these activities have a cost beyond time and enthusiasm. The youth want to earn their way to these events. 

We will be hosting our First Annual Holiday Greens Fundraiser. Beginning late September through November 6 th we will have order forms available and we will be staffing a sales table at various times to answer questions and take your orders. Our fundraiser is all natural fresh evergreen holiday decor prices begin at $27.95, with the Jan Lar Company. All items will be available for pickup or delivery by December 1.

This is a great way to have fresh evergreens for Christmas decorating at home and the lodge, and help your Venturing Crew 1389 lead the adventure.  

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Back to School 2015

    As summer temperatures and wildfires rage on throughout the Northwest and California we are also getting ready for another end of summer ritual. Returning to the classroom. For some youth this is a grand time of excitement and hope. The return of structure and routine, the raucous sounds of the slamming lockers, laughter and squeals of delight as friends see each after the long 12 week summer vacation.
  For some this time is filled with anxiety and fear. The pressure of deadlines, follow the instructions, loud hallways, and mean kids.
  For some it means shorter lines at the waterpark, and more trips to the library and park for reading and writing, cleaning up science lessons in the kitchen.

This is a good time to reminder ourselves how to live with in the Scout Oath and Law in our daily activities.

The following article was written by the 12th Chief Scout Executive Wayne Brock.

When I think about the Scout law, it reminds me to meet my responsibilities and demonstrate to others that I care. Lately, I’ve been reflecting a lot on these principles and thought the “back to school” season would be a good time for us to give our young people a refresher on the Scout Law and how it assists them with being Prepared. For Life.™  Let’s take a moment to unpack the 12 points of the Scout Law and see how our Scouts can put them to the test as they head back to school this fall:
  • Trustworthy – Never cheat or deviate from the truth. A good Scout knows how to maintain this powerful philosophy whether it be keeping your eyes on your own paper, or keeping a secret for a friend.
  • Loyal – Support your school at sporting events, or your friends when they are brought up in conversation. Being loyal shows you are caring and supportive.
  • Helpful – Help others any chance you get. Whether it is offering to tutor a younger student, or helping your teacher clean the classroom, your kind actions will speak volumes.
  • Friendly – Befriend someone new. Friendships are essential to Scouting, and school is a place to build great ones. Capitalize on this opportunity by expanding your friend groups.
  • Courteous – Even if something does not go your way — if you’ve made a bad grade on a test, for example — keep calm and try to improve next time.
  • Kind – You know the saying you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Being kind is an important quality necessary to developing strong friendships.
  • Obedient – Listen to your teachers or parents when they advise you on how to act or give you instructions. It might not seem like a good idea at the time, but adults have your best interest in mind.
  • Cheerful – People like to be around happy people. Don’t dwell on negative thoughts that could ruin your day or someone else’s.
  • Thrifty – Be resourceful. Don’t waste your lunch, or focus on material items you or your parents may not be able to afford. Be thankful for what you have.
  • Brave – Stand up to others when necessary. For instance, if someone is being bullied, take steps to help the victim.
  • Clean – We say on campsites “Leave no trace behind.” This motto goes for schools as well. Make sure you and your friends keep the school and school property clean.
  • Reverent – Respect others with your words and actions, and be sure to treat others the way you want to be treated.
Enjoy the new school year, and encourage the young people you mentor and the leaders and parents you work with to put the Scout Law to the test!
Yours in Scouting,

As Leader, as Scouts, as Venturers you promised a different course of action than your peers without an oath. You Lead the Adventure daily in you choice of behavior, actions and words. You have impact, choose carefully.
See you on the trail,